The Medicaid Fair will open with important updates on emergent issues by DCH Leadership. There will be over a dozen break-out sessions that will cover a variety of topics. The Care Management Organizations (CMOs) will be onsite to answer your questions. DCH and DXC Technology are also bringing back several 30-minute break-out sessions so you can get as much out of your Medicaid Fair day as possible. Please stay tuned for additional details. Registration information will be posted soon.

Want to help shape our agenda?

To ensure that our planned break-out sessions (including time for questions and answers) address relevant topics for you, please submit your suggested breakout topics to [email protected] no later than Wednesday, February 28, 2018. The agenda will be developed based on your feedback.

Need more information about the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center?

For location and directions to the Medicaid Fair, please visit the UGA Tifton Conference Center website. Thank you for your continued participation in the Georgia Medicaid program. We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 in Tifton!