P4HB and Privacy
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed, and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.
The Georgia Department of Community Health (DCH) understands that your health information is private. We will protect your health information. This includes any health information such as medical records, diagnosis, names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and any other identifiable health information. This notice tells you about your information privacy rights in the Planning for Healthy Babies program.
The privacy practices described in this notice will be effective January 1, 2011.
By law, Planning for Healthy Babies must use and disclose your medical information to provide information:
- To you or to someone who has the legal right to act for you. We will verify the identity of the person requesting the information. We will also confirm that the person requesting the information has the authority to do so.
- For purposes of rendering treatment. Your health care provider will be required to obtain your consent before the information is released. Your consent may not be required if it is an emergency situation.
- To the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, if necessary where required by law and to comply with the HIPAA regulations.
You have the following rights about your medical information: (Note: These rights may be limited by Georgia law or by court orders.)
- You have the right to see and have a copy of your health information held by Planning for Healthy Babies. Exceptions are psychotherapy notes and information that is needed for a legal action relating to DCH.
- You have the right to ask DCH to correct your medical information if you think that it is wrong. DCH may deny your request in some cases.
- You have the right to ask for a copy of disclosures that DCH has made of your medical information starting in April 2003. The list would not include disclosures to you or to your personal representative, or for Planning for Healthy Babies administration.
- You have the right to ask for restrictions on some uses or disclosures of your health information. DCH is not required to meet your request.
- You have the right to ask for DCH to contact you about your health in a way or at a place that will help you keep your information private.
- You have the right to a paper copy of this notice. You may ask for another copy of this notice, or you may get a copy from DCH’s Web site, www.dch.ga.gov.
DCH is required by law to:
- Maintain the privacy of your personal health information. This includes any identifiable health information such as medical records, diagnosis, social security numbers, dates of birth, etc.
- Give you this notice of DCH’s legal duties and privacy practices
- Follow the terms of this notice
- Not use or disclose your medical information without your written authorization, except for the reasons in this notice. You may take away your authorization in writing at anytime, except for information that was already disclosed
DCH may change its privacy practices. We will provide a new notice to you if there is a material change in its privacy practices. We will post the new notice on the DCH Web site at www.dch.ga.gov.
Planning for Healthy Babies contracts with other agencies and some private companies. We may disclose some or all of your information to the other agency or company so that they can do the job we have asked them to do. To protect your information, Planning for Healthy Babies requires the other agency or company to safeguard the information.
Below are ways that we may use and disclose your health information:
- For Medical Treatment: We may use or disclose information about you to ensure that you receive needed medical care. We may send you reminders of medical appointments.
- To Operate the Planning for Healthy Babies Program: We may use or disclose information about you to manage the Planning for Healthy Babies program and be sure that you receive quality care. We may contract with a company that reviews health records to check on the quality of your care.
- To Keep You Informed: We may mail information to you about your health. Examples are information about Family Planning and appointment reminders.
- For Overseeing Health Care Providers: We may disclose information about you to the government agencies that license and inspect medical facilities, such as hospitals.
- As Required by Law: We will disclose information about you when required by law or by court order.
If you have questions about your health or health care services, you should contact your health care provider (doctor, hospital, or others).
For more information or to report a privacy problem
If you believe your privacy rights have been violated:
- You may file a complaint with Planning for Healthy Babies by calling the Georgia Department of Community Health’s Office of Program Integrity (local) 404-463-7590 or (toll-free) 1-800-533-0686. Complaints can also be filed here.
There will be no retaliation for filing a complaint.